It appears that ASCRS publishes the OPHTHALMOLOGY BUSINESS, and if you haven't had the chance yet to see the last issue, May 2013, run out and get a copy or see pages 15-16 shown below. Just take a minute and read what they wrote and how they too are now concerned with the widespread WRONGDOINGS that their own top Ophthalmologists are involved in. Acussations such as ethics issues, fraud, possible falsification of medical charts to avoid being sued, and they even went as far to say "be careful...this could land you in the slammer (jail)!
Dr. Banja, who wrote this article should really practice "ETHICS" himself and go back to school,, and read a book called "WAKING UP BLIND" about the medical corruption that caused blindness on innocent patients, the cover up, the lies, all to build the Ophthalmic Department at Emory University. Dr. Dwight Cavanaugh and Dr. George Warning's darkest and corrupt secrets of what "really went on" behind closed doors, as they did whatever they had to in order to feed their egos, pocket books, and brand a name for themselves...ALL AT THE EXPENSE OF THEIR OWN PATIENTS!
Folks...take a good picture and look at the cover above! That is the REAL PERSON and OFFICE PEOPLE at all LASIK centers! They falsify, fabricate, and fraud all of you into thinking this surgery has NO KNOWN LONG TERM INJURIES when in reality, they've known all along for 15+ years, that every elective LASIK irreversible eye surgery makes "healthy" eyes become "SICK and DISEASED." Doubt this? Click on any of the 50 blogs to the right side of this blog and educate yourselves BEFORE you go into a LASIK center and believe their lies and distortions! Please warn others of this Medical Crime...